Frau agreed. We took the tram to Arsten *tram no 4* and alightened at the final station.Hah!No moschee :-)
I asked a local, a German, of 'the' moschee.He & this lady *I think his wife* said there's one at the Huckelreide bus stop while a bigger one is at Kap Horn Strs *this Kap Horn moschee I know & been there*. So we get on the tram again & got off at the Huckelreide to find the moschee.
Before and after the evening/maghrib prayer I had the chance to communicate with one of the jemaah Brother B****, who spoke little English but enough to 'understand what each other was trying to say' :-) Sometime this Brother spoke a few English words & mostly Arabic & Deutsch! Subhannallah,Good Lord, how I wish I could speak German or Arabic :-) Englisch was not the lingua franca at that time :-)
Took a photo with the Imam & the jemaah. How sincere these jemaah were! *There are those who refused to be photographed because of ...I don't know....(and that would make me 'sad' because I want to keep such photos as remembrance.)
The Islamic brotherhood seemed to be the bond between us although I don't understand German & Arabic and they don't understand me speaking Englisch:-) They thought I was from Indonesia, I said I'm from Malaysia. Most Germans or German citizen know where Malaysia is and most of them (Moslems or not) would say "Malaysia gut /good".
May the Almighty Allah Bless the congregation/jemaah all over Germany & all over the world.
p/s Picture was taken by the poster next to the Kebap outlet near the moschee. I don't read Turkiye either :-)
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