Brother Lans Lot
...just a daily account of my life :-)
Sunday, 22 August 2021
I'm stil standing. ...or rather still cycling :-D
In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful. Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Maha Mengasihani.
Here I am. Back into blogging. Again. What a long hiatus...2011 then now 2021. What? 10 years apart.
FB is to be blamed though... But then do people still write blogs?
I guess akin to others, my good self most of the time read new flash, pop ups, headlines from those 'breaking news'. But I do try not to 'swallow' every news that I read...well must tabayyun. Try, if you can, clarify the authenticity of the news from other sources...Some news were just insane, tak masuk akal.
I do have Tumblr and Pinterest account. No IG though. Not an Insta guy.
I do hope my future postings will benefits others. Oh ja, Ich fahre seit 2014 rad. I have been cycling since 2014. Wassalam C ya :-D
Sunday, 14 August 2011
Back to blogging,eh?
There was a big gap between 2009 and Aug'2011...there was Ramadhan 2010 followed by Eid ul Fitr'2010 and flying around Malaysia for official duties, giving briefing on skills training, manning the office exhibition booths at education fairs etc...
Then it was back to Germany for the 2nd.time around in Feb'2011 till May'2011 (with a few short trips to cities like Budapest, Rome Litalia & Berlin during the 3 months there ) :-))
Couldn't deny the fact that this was due to the 'addiction' to FB :-P
Then it was back to Germany for the 2nd.time around in Feb'2011 till May'2011 (with a few short trips to cities like Budapest, Rome Litalia & Berlin during the 3 months there ) :-))
Couldn't deny the fact that this was due to the 'addiction' to FB :-P
Monday, 24 August 2009
Participant at the 'Leading With Dynamic of EQ@Workplace" Workshop Conducted by Dr.Peter Sheppard@PNB Darby,KL 18-19May 2009
"E.I or the degree of this intelligence (EQ) can be defined as the capacity of recognising our own feelings and those of others with whom we have to interact and communicate"-Brown Dynamics Global.
An opportunity not to be missed! Dr.P.Sheppard, who had written books & articles on management conducted the 2 days workshop. Very beneficial for my PhD research & work.

Dr.P.Sheppard conducting the 2-days workshop.
An opportunity not to be missed! Dr.P.Sheppard, who had written books & articles on management conducted the 2 days workshop. Very beneficial for my PhD research & work.
Dr.Sheppard signing his book while workshop participant Wan H looks on.
Lunch on the 37th.floor.
Table for the window...with fellow participants
Talented N sings while M**** superbly plays the piano.
Made friends with the singer & pianist :-)
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Sabtu 11 April 2009. Nak makan apa balik Malaysia nanti?
Soalan "Nak makan apa balik Malaysia nanti?" sebenarnya dah berlegar2 dlm fikiran AbgLans even masa AbgLans di Jerman lagi. (Jgn cakap Abg ajer yg asyik2 pikir pasal makan,kalau uol ditempat AbgLans uols pun sama jugak :-P )
AbgLans tunggu KakAz tanya ajer & sehari-dua masa nak fly balik ke Malaysia (masing2 excited nak balik negara terchinta itu) KakAz tanya soalan keramat itu "You nak makan aper balik Malaysia nanti?"
AbgLans jawab "I nak makan fish & chips!"
"Ada pulak fish & chips" kata Kak Az.
"Ye-lah,nak makan nasi lemak,mee kari, laksa & cokodok semua Kak Wan (course-mate PhD yang sama2 ke Bremen Jerman) dah buat dah hari tu. Nak makan serunding you dah bawak,hehehehe.Nak makan fish & chips sini I tak confident,loyer tekak! iiiieee!" kata AbgLans.
Itu cerita sebulan lepas.
*Tapi balik ni tak der terus AbgLans carik fish&chips pun...:-)
La (sekarang), dah di Malaysia.So....
.....Malam Sabtu lepas balik dari Low Yat dgn Akak N & Adek R kitorang keSungai Ramal Kajang carik sate Kajang & char kueh teow.*Time ni Abg Z tak balik asrama so dia tak der dlm posting ini :-) *
Akak drive. Adek co-pilot.
Boss duduk belakang .
Window & aisle seat conquer habis.
Char kuey teow kat Restoran H ni 'kureng' compared to kat Seri Teja Presint 9 si Akim buat tu! Agak2 pasal kitorang order 3 org serentak kot,mass production. Tapi kalau sedap buat mass production,banyak mana pun,kalau sedap tetap sedap,kannn?

EPL MU lawan Liverpool

Alhamdullillah, syukur dapat lagi menikmati makanan...
Sabtu 11 April 2009. Pe(r)gi Low Yatt carik...
Hari tu Babah dgn Akak & Adek p(erg)i Low Yatt KL. Babah park ke(re)ta kat Sungai Besi, kami naik LRT. Selalunya kalau orang2 pe(r)gi Low Yatt,diorg carik barang2 komputer (printer, scanner, mother-board ape-ape je-lah), handphone atau camera.
Laptop Akak & Babah yg Babah bawak ke Jerman beli kat Low Yatt. Ketiga2 kamera Babah (Samsung,Canon & Nikon) beli kat Low Yatt (kaya-lah Cina Low Yatt). Tapi kali ni Babah nak beli 'empon' (handphone). Ini first time Babah carik & nak beli 'empon' kat Low Yatt.
Babah punyer 'empon' yg Sony E dah 'blur-blur' masa kat Jerman lagi,kata Babah.Babah pun ada terlepas cakap (terlepas cakap ker?) "rasa nak empas ajer fon tu" & rakan2 seperjuangan Babah ada beri nasihat & saranan yang memberangsangkan "tu dah tanda2 nak suroh beli handphone baru tu Che Lan!" Sekarang dah beli empon baru mungkin Babah akur dgn nasihat & saranan mereka2 itu :-)
Colour cokelat, camera Cybershot 3.2 megapixel auto focus brand Sony E...pengguna setia Sony E...
Babah (yg sentiasa vogue dgn spek hitam di dahi) dgn brother yg jual handphone Sony E.
*Ini adalah gambar yg diambil dgn phone camera Sony E itu...
Monday, 4 May 2009
Friday prayer at Surau Al-Furqan, Precinct 11 Putrajaya*Terkenang solat Juma'at di masjid Al-Fadila Bremen Jerman.
Cuaca hari tu memang panas.The weather was rather hot *elehhhh,jgn lah speku Abg baru balik dari Jerman dah komplen panas, stuffy memacam, ekekekekek! tapi, memang Jumaat hari tu Putrajaya panas semacam,kesan global warming kot!* :-)
Time nak solat Juma'at ni ter'flashback' teringat last week minggu lepas masih di Bremen Jerman, solat Jumaat di Masjid Al-Fadila Bremen Jerman.
*Ni kisah flashback*
Kebanyakan masjid Jerman asalnya adalah premis pejabat yg diubah-suai menjadi masjid & jemaah solat Jumaatnya 'orang2 itu juga'-maknanya kalau anda selalu kesitu, anda tahu jemaah yg sembahyang tu 'orang luar' atau 'the regular ones' :-) Khutbah dalam bahasa Arab walaupun ramai orang Turkiye, org2 Turkiye memang faham bahasa Arab. Brother Lans hanya faham semasa khutbah pertama & kedua ayat2 atau ungkapan2 lazim; contoh "Innallah hawamala ikatahu yusollu....(sambung sendiri-lah:-) ) Nampak gaya kena belajar Arab lepas nih atau tanya Ustaz Zaini JAKIM atau Ustaz Zamri IKIM,hehehe, apa2 istilah & frasa Arab yg lazim!
*Ni flashback lagi*
Lepas solat kat Masjid Al=Fadila, Abg suka makan 'rollo' (cebisan daging kambing yg disalai dgn potongan tomato,bawang yg dipotong/cincang diletak mayonis & lada, dibalut dgn roti Arab) & minum air teh Arab yg pekat gelas kecil. Harganya 3.50Euro. Ok-lah bantu2 perniagaan org Islam...Kemudian dapat berinteraksi berkenal-mesra dgn Imam2 masjid, saudara2 seIslam ku dari pelbagai bangsa seperti Saudara Yusof sekeluarga, Aziz, Imad org2 Lubnan, Rejab , Namli & Sonny Jerman Muslim, 'Bapak' Puji engineer dari Indonesia, Ahmad & Hj.Muhamad dari Afrika & ramai lagi...tapi Abg cakap Inggeris, diorang cakap Arab, Abg tak faham apa diorg cakap, diorg tak faham apa Abg cakap. Yg muda2 pulak 'terror' bahasa Inggeris :-)
*Berbalik kpd kisah solat Jumaat kat Putrajaya ni...
Surau di Putrajaya dah advance; khutbah Juma'at guna powerpoint. Ini satu kaedah pembelajaran yg hebat sebab antara kita ada yg 'auditory learners' dan ada juga yg 'visual learners';makna nya ada 'lebih masuk' apabila menggunakan pendengaran *dengar saja boleh masuk apa yg diajar* dan yg 'visual learners' pula perlu tengok carta, rajah utk lebih memahami & ingat sesuatu. Dgn ada khutbah powerpoint, rasa ngantuk boleh 'diketepikan' dgn membaca teks khutbah powerpoint pd skrin yg kat depan tu...Kat masjid Jerman tak de khutbah powerpoint2 nih...
Budak dah nak pegi sekolah agama kat surau.
Balik solat Jumaat kat Malaysia nih faham-lah 'keseluruhan' isi kandungan khutbah Jumaatnya...lepas solat jumpa rakan2 surau ada yg tanya (mana yg tahu kita pergi Jerman ) "Bila balik Jerman?" "hehehehe...pagi tadi pukul 5...."
Lepas solat Juma'at
*time kat gambar tu waktu Bremen Germany tak sempat tukar lagi,hehehe *kenangan kot*
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Day88-DonnestagThursday9April'09-Back to Malaysia via Bremen Flughafen & Schipol Amsterdam Airport
It's time to leave Bremen for Schipol Airport Amsterdam.
The journey: Bremen Flughafen (ETD 0645hrs,Thursday 9April'2009) ->(ETA 0845) Schipol Amsterdam Airport (ETD 1200hrs,Thursday 9April'2009 ) ->KLIA (ETA 0500hrs,Friday 10April'2009)
Leaving the apartment at 0454hrs. Have cleaned the room,dumped the rubbish & returned the key in the key box. Done! :-)
Mr.R**** dumping away the candle suppport he bought for 1Euro at the flohmarkt.
Mr.M*** picked us up at the apartment.0500hrs.
Reached Bremen flughafen. 0521hrs.
Down the stairs to the bus which will take us to KLM City Hopper.
On board the bus to KLM City Hopper.
On board KLM Cityhopper.
This was breakfast...on board KLM Cityhopper .Nice taste nice packaging :-)
*At Schipol Amsterdam Airport.
The Arrival.
To the Meditation Centre to perform the morning prayer.
At the Meditation Centre after completing the morning prayer.
Moving around the airport. Tulips planted in flower pots outside the airport. Tulips anyone?
Found this Dutch newspaper someone left it behind at the waiting lounge.
Queuing up for the boarding pass & checking in the luggage.
Waiting at the lounge to board flight to KLIA

Watched in-flight movies; Quantum of Solace, Cicakman2, Kala Bulan Mengambang.
Made friends with MAS steward Mr.F*****,
Beautiful stewardess Miss L***
Exhausted ...after 13hrs.flight...
...but delighted we have landed safely at KLIA...although there was a slight turbulance above Andaman Sea. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
On the sky bridge.
To catch the aerotrain to take us to the main terminal
On board aerotrain.
With Mr.R**** after performing the morning/suboh at the surau next to the luggage claim area
Owh,..there's 'Lewis Hamilton' at the chocolate outlet
The journey: Bremen Flughafen (ETD 0645hrs,Thursday 9April'2009) ->(ETA 0845) Schipol Amsterdam Airport (ETD 1200hrs,Thursday 9April'2009 ) ->KLIA (ETA 0500hrs,Friday 10April'2009)
*At Lise-Meitner apartment Bremen Germany.
Too early? Nope, we had to checked in latest by 0545hrs.:-)
Off to get the boarding pass
Picture with Herrn. M***.
I've got lot to thank him for his assistance throughout our stay in Bremen & at the Universitat! Danke!
Whatever it is, do not forget 24th.Mai !
Why? It's Brother Lans' birthday :-P
*At Schipol Amsterdam Airport.
* I don't read Dutch but...Liverpool lost to Chelsea? arrrgh...*Liverpool die-hard fan*

*but first we had to pass through the Zoll (customs)
On the sky bridge to the plane.
*Of course we looked excited because we're going back to our beloved homeland Malaysia truly Asia...errr there's no place like home right?
*On board plane to KLIA.
*Reaching KLIA
*At KLIA airport
Bremen Germany,
Going Places,
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